Nobel laureates among the jury and experts
For physicists, mathematicians, artists, art critics, psychologists, athletes, doctors, biologists, chemists, economists, philologists, linguists, lawyers, historians, political scientists, international affairs specialists, geographers, philosophers, public administration professionals as well as professionals in technical, sports, natural and pedagogical sciences.
The World Championships in Science, Education, Technology and Art are among the scientific events, participation in which allows your higher education institution to be included in international rankings and enter the international scientific and educational space!
The International Historical Biographical Institute (Dubai – New York – Rome – Burgas – Jerusalem – Beijing) (IHBI) and The International Committee for World Championships and Olympic Games in Science, Education, Art & Technology invite the heads of educational institutions and scientific institutes as well as scientific employees and research and pedagogical workers to take part in the II WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND ART IN ROME (MARCH 15 - 25, 2025). The programme is funded by an international grant equivalent to EUR 1 200 000 provided to the IHBI with financial support from the UAE, Italy, Bulgaria, the USA, Israel and China, and with the involvement of charitable contributions.
You should submit your research articles in any of the research fields according to the form as a single author or a co-author in English, Ukrainian, Russian, Polish, Spanish, German or Turkish. The international expert commission consisting of influential scientists will evaluate them according to the grading system and define the winners according to the branches of science.
To participate in the II WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND ART IN ROME (MARCH 15 - 25, 2025), you can also provide:
• PDF – versions of your works in the field of science (scientific monographs, articles);
• a portfolio of your works in the field of art (painting, graphics, sculpture, digital art, etc.) in a free format;
• PDF – versions of your works in the field of literature;
• PDF – versions of your works in the field of education (textbooks, manuals, didactic and methodological materials, articles, as well as creative developments of lessons for teachers);
• Description of new technologies and photos, drawings of useful models and inventions in free form.
Registration and submission of your works to:
II WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND ART IN ROME (MARCH 15 - 25, 2025). Submission of works until March 05, 2025 inclusive.
Awarding of winners until March 25, 2025.
Branch of science or scientific field: International scientific competitions include an opportunity of submit an article in any branch of science or scientific field.
Form of participation: remote.
- The title of the World Champion / Silver or Bronze Award Winner at the II WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND ART IN ROME (MARCH 15 - 25, 2025)
- Substantial cash awards from your university and country
- Talent Visa from any country in the world
- Promotion of your university on the international scale
- Leadership in your scientific field or branch of science. By winning the Championship you will clearly demonstrate that you are on the top of your scientific field. Your university will be proud of you!
- Career growth and prestigious job in your country or abroad
- Recognition, authority and significance in the eyes of your colleagues, family, loved ones, children and then grandchildren. You will become a Legend.
Costs for research and pedagogical workers to participate in the International scientific competitions are 100 EUR of registration fee.
Registration: You can register to participate in the International scientific competitions till March 5, 2025; register via official email of the Institute: internship@whfpdubai.com
Follow these simple steps to register:
- Apply to participate in the International scientific competitions in Word format at our official email address: [email protected]
- Country, city, region
- University or other institution you represent
- Branch of science or scientific field you are going to participate in at the International scientific competitions
- The title of your work
- First name, Last name of all Team Members both in your native language and in English as they are written in your international passport for award documents
- Date of birth
- Job position
- Address
- Email address and mobile phone number
- Social media page
- Make sure to fill such a subject line in your email: Registration for the World Science Championship!
- Prepare and submit a research article according to the requirements!
1. International scientific competitions begin and end on the above dates.
2. On the above dates, the results are announced and the winners are awarded.
3. Scholars and teachers from different countries take part in the International scientific competitions. The competitions may take place both remotely and onsite.
4. Each of them submits an application and undergoes the registration.
5. Before the International scientific competitions begin, the participants submit their research articles to the IHBI. It is allowed to submit both previously published research articles in the scientific publications and freshly-written articles.
To participate in the II WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP IN SCIENCE, EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND ART IN ROME (MARCH 15 - 25, 2025), you can also provide:
• PDF – versions of your works in the field of science (scientific monographs, articles);
• a portfolio of your works in the field of art (painting, graphics, sculpture, digital art, etc.) in a free format;
• PDF – versions of your works in the field of literature;
• PDF – versions of your works in the field of education (textbooks, manuals, didactic and methodological materials, articles, as well as creative developments of lessons for teachers);
• Description of new technologies and photos, drawings of useful models and inventions in free form.
6. The articles can be written both by a single author and in co-authorship of 5 authors. Then authors register for participation in a team contest. In a team contest, it is necessary for all authors to represent one country and preferably one institution.
7. Expert judges evaluate articles by grading them and define the winners in each branch of science (1st, 2nd, 3rd place). The criteria for evaluating the articles include scientific significance and novelty as well as the validity of the obtained results.
Calculation of rating points of the tournament table for the participants of the Championship.
1st place - from 300 rating points.
2nd place - from 200 rating points.
3rd place - from 100 rating points.
8. With the help of GLOBES technologies and use of artificial intelligence in the process and after the end of the competition the results will be calculated and the winners of the International scientific results in various branches of science will be announced.
9. In case plagiarism is detected or programs like SCIgen are used, the participant’s rating as well as the correspondent rating of their university become zero and they are disqualified.
10. A quite controversial notion of participant’s ‘self-plagiarism’ is not considered as plagiarism.
11. The results of the scientific competitions will be used for the international university rankings.
12. The research articles will be published and placed in international scientometric databases, in particular, Web of Science and Scopus.
Requirements for the research articles
Such information should be given on the title page in Word format
- The name of the International scientific competitions you are taking part in
- The country you represent
- The university or other institution you represent
- The branch of science of scientific area of a submitted research article
- The title of a research article
- First name, Last name of all Team Members both in your native language and in English
- Email address of a participant or a team of Competitions
- The date of research article submission
You can submit your manuscript as a single file as a Word document. Preferable fonts: Arial or Times New Roman. 12-point font. 1.5 line spacing.
Research articles are accepted in English, German, Spanish, Turkish, Polish, Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian.
The length of a research article
The median length of a research article is up to 5000 words, but research articles longer than 5000 words will be accepted in case the subject of a research article requires such a length.
In the submission process of research articles, there are no strict requirements for references. Any style and format of references is possible on the condition that coherence is ensured. The name/names of the author(s), titles of journals/books, titles of sections/articles, year of publication, volume/book number, sections and pages must be indicated. Including a DOI is preferable if available.
Formatting requirements
There are no strict requirements for formatting but all the research articles must contain essential elements necessary for their processing, e.g. abstract, key words, introductions, techniques and methods, results, conclusions, graphic design and tables with signatures.
Page numbering
Please, make sure that pages of your research article are consecutively numbered.
Electronic graphic design
- Make sure that the same text design and fonts are used in the original graphic design.
- Number the illustrations according to the order they are placed in the text.
- Use a logical way of naming your files with the features of graphic design.
Title of a research article
Brief and informative. Avoid using formulas and abbreviations if possible.
Brief and factual abstract is required. It must include a short summary of goals of a research, main results and conclusions.
Key words
We kindly ask you to indicate no more than six key words.